Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma N for such a wonderful Easter, we had a great time with you, Miss P keeps asking when we are going back to G-pa's and G-ma's.

This year we spent Easter with G-pa Lee and G-ma Ivana. My Man and I started the weekend off by doing a Temple Session, which was so nice.
We got to their house later then planned, and arrived to a yummy pad thai dinner. Thank you G-pa Lee, it was SO good.

Miss P was a little sad after dinner to realize that Rob and Jill had taken the trike with them when they moved, as that was her favorite toy. I think she got over it quickly, as she found other things to play with and didn't have to share any of the toys.
She loved the cats, which seemed to be very relaxed this weekend. They would just lay there and let her pet them, which is not normal.

After settling in, we had Miss P put her basket on a table before I put her in bed.
She woke up around 7am wanting us to wake up, I told her not yet. She was really good to wait another hour before bugging again to get up.
I finally decided to drag my butt out of bed and head downstairs with her.
Not knowing that Mr. S had moved the little table that she had put her basket on, as I went to bed before Mr. S did, Miss P headed to where the table was suppose to be, turned around with slumped shoulders and pouting that the Easter Bunny didn't come.
G-pa Lee was standing there, and encouraged her to go a little farther into the living room, where they had moved the table. She was SO excited to see her basket, and that the Easter Bunny didn't forget her.
We had put together some eggs and placed them around the living room for her to find. It was so funny to watch her go and find them, she did a whole lot better this year on finding them.
She was spoiled like always. She received a Dora watch, a CTR necklace, a Book of Mormon stories book, a way cute Curious George outfit (Thank you G-pa and G-ma), and her own mini copy of the Book of Mormon with her name on it.
The Easter Bunny brought me a docking station for my Iphone, which I love, and he brought Scott clothes.

I was very impressed with Miss P at church. She went to class without any whinning, and seemed to have a great time. She came home with a little coloring craft of the resurrection, she was so proud of it, she had to show everyone and tried to sing "Did Jesus really live again", which every time she plays with her craft now, she sings the song.

We of course had an the best dinner. I think we are going to have to spend more time in with G-pa and G-ma N, so we can get some cooking tips and lessons.
I am amazed with all the junk I ate this weekend, I still was able to loose weight.

It was so nice to get out of town, relax and let G-pa and G-ma spoil Miss P.