Monday, November 03, 2008


I think I am raising a teenager stuck in a three year old body.
Today has been full of interesting moments with Miss P, which have ended her up in time out, to give her time to think of these moments.

Daddy S: P, come help clean up your toys.
Miss P: No, You have to do it, I don't want to help.

Mommy A: P, no you can not watch tv, we are cleaning, and you need to take this stuff to your room.
Miss P: Your so mean

Mommy A: P, sit up to the table and eat your dinner please.
Miss P: I want to watch my movie. (She has a little DVD player we let her use to watch movies on.)
Mommy A: No P, leave the DVD player and come to the table.
Miss P: Your so mean. (Repeated a few times, yes it seems to be her favorite phrase today)

Mommy A: P, it is time for scriptures and bed, pick up your toys.
(Five minutes later, as she is playing with the toys, that she is suppose to be picking up, with me continually telling her to pick up)
Mommy A: P, just stop talking and put your toys away.
Miss P: You hurt my heart.
Mommy A: What? I hurt your heart.
Miss P: You hurt my heart, telling me that I can't talk.
Mommy A: If you don't talk you will focus on picking up and not playing.
Miss P: You hurt my feeling, you hurt my heart, you hurt my belt, you hurt my doll. (Yes, she starting telling me that I hurt every toy that was around her.)

Poor kid, she is getting over being sick and I am starting to get sick, so she really had no chance for sympathy or patience today with her attitude.


HaYn Mama

Can you imagine what she'll be like when she really is a teenager. . . bless your heart girl!

Schmitt Family

I was thinking about that last night. Oh do I have my work cut out for me. Heaven Father really does have a sense of humor, and is probably just laughing when we have these moments with her. I am sure it is some what pay back, as I was a little turd of a teenager.